
4XSCIENCE - CXM for life sciences

  Ballingstraat 26, 3078 Kortenberg



4XSCIENCE - CXM for life sciences

Helping life science actors with identifying, creating and implementing improved customer experiences (CXM) from preclinical to commercial. We guide life science actors in creating unique and value adding experiences for their customers (CX). From healthcare professionals, clinical trial investigators, over business partners, distributors and pharmacies to patients: all your customers have specific needs. The sum of interactions with your company needs to result in a bilateral win-win relationship during customer's live. Our focus is on all patient stakeholders in the life science arena. We cover the entire end-to-end ecosystem from pre-clinical over supply chain and commercial to patient drug administration, care services and beyond. Successful customer experiences (CX) are optimised by using the right technology, processes, data and people across your eco system. We help to implement the most appropriate strategy to ensure your customers are engaged with the best possible experiences. No matter in what state you are today, we contribute to make CXM a reality for your business. Supporting or leading, tailored to your needs, we simply get it done. After all, happy customers make strong businesses. This is how we put your patients first.