Derkevorkian Mosses
Naamsestraat 6, 1000 Brussel
Naamsestraat 6, 1000 Brussel
Sill and Sound Architects
Sill and sound is an architectural firm founded in Brussels in 2015. Sill and sound’s work revolves around giving forth an individual product, which is based on case particularities. It departs from a critical, emotional as well as intellectual relationship with our social environment, the space, and the material. Throughout the projects, the aim is to consciously experiment the question of how to be contemporary, while reserving a certain distance from the contemporariness. This in and out relationship with the present is condensed in the concept of the sill, which symbolizes a two-faceted screen that defines but at the same time ties diverse worlds, that filters but at the same time meshes the interior with the exterior, the general with the particular, creating one through the other, within the context of their evolutive differences and oppositions.