
Geopolitiek in context

  Middenstraat 93, 3582 Beringen



Geopolitiek in context – With mainstream media being overly deferential to political and economic power, governments manipulating public opinion, thinktanks and public relations “experts” dominating media output, and preciously few academics acting as sources of relatively independent comment and analysis, consumers of news need to explore alternative news and information sites. It is in this category that ‘Geopolitiek in context’ tries to do its bit.

With mainstream media being overly deferential to political and economic power, governments manipulating public opinion, thinktanks and public relations “experts” dominating media output, and preciously few academics acting as sources of relatively independent comment and analysis, consumers of news need to explore alternative news and information sites. It is in this category that ‘Geopolitiek in context’ tries to do its bit.