Bijdorplaan 15, 2015 CE Haarlem
Bijdorplaan 15, 2015 CE Haarlem
Lepidoptera – The IT Study Union!
Study UnionLepidoptera The study union for students of IT and Informatica from Inholland Haarlem What we do As a study union we try to organise multiple events per year. These events differ from masterclasses to fun social events. With our industry connections we can help you find traineeships or internships. MasterclassesUseful workshops and guest lectures…
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Vereniging of organisatie
Betaalvereniging Nederland
Gustav Mahlerlaan 33 - 35, 1082 MS Amsterdam, Nederland
Vereniging of organisatie
Stichting Lijn 83 primair onderwijs
De Grens 35, 6598 DK Heijen
Vereniging of organisatie
Sportfokkersvereniging Dodewero
Lindenlaan 10, 6669 EJ Dodewaard
Vereniging of organisatie
Nederlands Verbond van de Groothandel
Bezuidenhoutseweg 12, 2594 AV Den Haag